Important committees in British India

Important committees in British India

Important committees in British India
Important committees in British India

Important committees in British India

                            Throughout their colonial rule in India, the British established numerous committees and commissions, impacting various sectors like education, administration, finance, and law. here are the list of some Importanat committees in British India.



Commission / Committees



Hunter Commission 1882 To study the development in education
Raleigh Commission 1902 To study about universities and suggest reforms
Sadler Commission 1917 To study the condition of Calcutta University
Itchcap Committee 1923 To discuss the central committee of Education
Hartog Committee 1929 To study the position of Education
Lindsay Commission 1929 To develop Missionary Education
Sergeant Committee 1944 To raise the standard of Elementary Education
Sapru Committee 1934 To study the causes of Unemployment
Lary Hamand Committee 1935 For inclusion of Labours in Federal Assembly
Woodhead Committee 1944 To investigate in the events on Bengal famine
Campbell Commission 1866 To investigate the causes of famine in Odisha
Lyall Commission 1897 To give suggestions on earlier famine reports
McDonnell Commission 1900 To give suggestions on famine report
Aitchison Committee 1886 To involve more Indians in Civil Service
Islington Committee 1912 To give 25% high posts to Indians
Lansdown Committee 1893 To study about the effect of opium on health
Herschell Committee 1893 To give suggestions regarding currency
Mansfield Committee 1886 To give suggestions regarding currency
Fowler Committee 1898 To give suggestions on currency
Scott Monkinj Committee 1901 To plan for the expenditure on Irrigation
Maclagon Committee 1914 To advise for cooperative finances
Linlithgow Committee 1928 To study the problem in agriculture
Whitelay Commission 1929 To study the condition of labour in Industries
Fraser Commission 1902 To investigate the working of police
Lee commission 1924 To remove defects on Civil Service
Sandhurst Commission 1926 To suggest Indianization on Indian Army
Butler Committee 1927 Examine the crown relation with native states
Hunter commission 1920 To inquire about Jallianwala Bagh Massacre
Simon Commission 1927 To evaluate the reforms of 1919 act
Welby Commission 1895 To investigate wasteful spending in India
Hilton Young Commission 1926 Establishment of the Reserve Bank of India
Muddiman Committee 1924 To examine the working of Diarchy under 1919 act
Skeen Committee 1925 Related to Indianization of British Indian Army
Chatfield Commission 1939 Modernization of British Indian Army
Floud Commission 1940 To study about land revenue system of Bengal
Radcliffe Commission 1947 To draw boundary line between India and Pakistan
Peel Commission 1857 To bring changes in the military after the 1857 mutiny
Rowlatt Committee 1917 To evaluate the political terrorism and sedition in India

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